Sunday, December 7, 2008

Christmas is Coming and we Are All Putting on Weight

Christmas is Coming and we Are All Putting on Weight

Author: Samuel Brook

Food glorious food. Oliver Twist wanted some more food but he was rejected.

Over the festive season, we won't be rejected more food. Food will be in abundance. Mince pies, biscuits and festive cakes will be in the workplace, school and college. Someone recently gave me a box of chocolate biscuits, the person knew I was on a diet. With the box of chocolates came a card which read, "God loves those, who love chocolate". That card indirectly had a clear message. "You eat and enjoy these chocolate biscuits, don't worry about the calories." Most of us when we eat anything sugary and sweet we get an instant boost of energy, only to fall as quick as it rises. One chocolate biscuit leads to another!

Then there are the office parties, dinners etc. Extra Christmas dinners, more food, meaning more calories. The consequence means more weight. Darker colder nights means that once we arrive home, we want to shut out winter and stay in and watch T. V. Staying in on a winter's night can lead to opening up those box of chocolates and other goodies.

The T.V. adverts will constantly remind us of all the various Christmas fayre available. Turkeys, joint of meats, savouries and of course those lovely Christmas Cakes and desserts. Those with a sweet tooth will be easily tempted. The supermarkets are offering a variety of festive cakes and pastries. My local supermarket was offering a "buy one get one free" , mini Christmas cake.

It is going to be very hard for most people to go on a diet or weight management program, this time of the year. The New Year, is the time to make that commitment to loose weight, when New Years Resolutions are made.

So, have you ever thought of taking some measures, to at least have some control of controlling your weight over this Festive Season. There is something that we can all do.

Scientific and nutritional experts recommend an increase in dietary fibre and a lower intake of fat and calories to help maintain good health. Unfortunately our Western Festive Diet tends to be high in fat and low in fibre rich foods. Christmas Pudding, Christmas Cake with all the other Festive Cakes are very high in fat. Not to mention those appetising savouries.

So, how can you find Fibre in foods. Natural foods are usually high in fibre (i.e.) wholegrain nuts, seeds, fruit and vegetables. Apples contain a high proportion of fibre, compared to many other fruit and vegetables. For example, there is approximately 4 grams of fibre in one apple. How, about baked or stewed apples for a sweet.

What fibre does is to reduce the amount of time food can spend in the intestinal track. Dietary fibre can help speed up the passage of food and so assist in the removal of toxins and wastes from the body.

Lack of fibre, and this is the danger in the festive season = poor diet and not good for our health and wellbeing. The Guideline Daily Allowance for fibre is 24 grams but it is suggested that 30 grams or more is probably needed for the protection of gut health. Having plenty of fibre will assist us to keep a control on our weight and curb our desire to snack. Keeping up with our daily intake of fibre will help our health and wellbeing.

Have a Happy and Healthy Christmas and maintain good health through the festive season and beyond.

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